Saturday, July 6, 2013

Disgust, the Emotion of Boundaries

by Richard C. Raynard, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Gross Fish
Ugh! Yuck! Barf! Eeuw! PeYu! Disgust is the emotion behind the relation and thought "I want no part of it!". We see whatever as tainted, repugnant and offensive.

This emotion is not only about unhealthy or dirty goods, but also about things that taint or corrupt our sense of Self, or even the community to which we belong.

Disgust naturally leads to the erection of boundaries to prevent contamination (see my blog on Loyalty).  Even contacts with the other side, the wrong friends, or who you are seen with can be "disgusting". In fact there is nothing that cannot be labeled as disgusting. Habits, speech, a hairdo, clothing - all can be branded by some trend-setter or "authority" as disgusting.

Disgust finds a natural home in moralizing efforts to define what is good or bad for us. Disgust can be developed into Guilt with the addition of anger, fear of punishment, threat of banishment.  "You oughta be ashamed!" expresses disgust with your very sense of who you are.

Well, I am disgusted with disgust! The fact is, every moldy, rotten, smelly thing has its place in the great cycle of life. Example: 6 to 8 pounds of foreign microbes in our gut help us digest food and provide vital nutrients. Effort to conceal or fence in our bad behavior avoids dealing with it and benefiting from it.

When we stopped burying garbage in the back yard in the 60's and began recycling, we finally realized that potentially all of our garbage is recyclable or useful.

Are you ready to deal with your own - - - garbage?

About Dr. Raynard Dr.
Richard Raynard is a licensed clinical psychologist with 35 years experience resolving a broad range of emotional problems. As a cognitive-behavioral therapist who has specialized in anxiety and phobic disorders since 1980, he has spent the last 35 years fulfilling his life-long desire to explore and define the true purpose of emotions and how people can easily use emotions to create meaning and satisfaction in their lives. Dr. Raynard's series of books on emotions can be found on His other books include Don't Panic, and Anxiety & Panic Medications.

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