Thursday, May 2, 2013

Is insecurity an emotion?

by Richard C. Raynard,
 Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I believe "insecurity" is an emotion, but it is easy to get tongue-tied trying to put it into words.

I don't mean "security" as in a financial asset. Nor is it "security" in the sense of a protection system. Nor is it meaning safe and sound. And it's not like being secured with a rope.

Business People Sitting Nervously
A bit nervous

I am trying to describe the feeling that goes with caring for yourself - self-care.

One problem is that most of the words that involve attention to yourself sound - well - selfish, like self-interest, self-improvement, self-promotion, or self-love. The fact is, we do not have a single word that means just taking good care of ourselves.

If you don't know how to take care of yourself, it certainly shows. You may look helpless and childlike, as if you are flapping your arms. You make look jittery and uncertain about everything. Or, you can look like you are always in trouble from neglecting or overlooking things. If you don't like looking insecure, you may try to pull off a swagger and be mouthy to get some respect.

On the other hand, if you are secure, you know how to look after your needs. It's more than just being competent and handy.It's recognizing that feeling you need to take care of something and acting on it.

What do you think? Have I carved out a working definition of the emotion? It probably is the foundation of what we call assurance and self-esteem.

Let me have your vote.

About Dr. Raynard
Dr. Richard Raynard is a licensed clinical psychologist with 35 years experience resolving a broad range of emotional problems. As a cognitive-behavioral therapist who has specialized in anxiety and phobic disorders since 1980, he has spent the last 35 years fulfilling his life-long desire to explore and define the true purpose of emotions and how people can easily use emotions to create meaning and satisfaction in their lives. Dr. Raynard's series of books on emotions can be found on His other books include Don't Panic, and Anxiety & Panic Medications.

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